Where to buy seeds
IntroductionAs the gardening season approaches, many of us are eager to start planning and planting our dream gardens. One of the most critical ste... -
Getting Started with Seeds: Understanding Germination
Germination (noun): The process by which a seed develops into a seedling. It typically begins when a seed absorbs water, swells, and the embryo inside starts to grow.
Embracing the Beauty of Fall with Hydroponics and Container Gardens
Summary: Extending the Growing Season with Hydroponics and Container Gardens Don't let summer's end mark the finish of your gardening season! With the right techniques and equipment, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fall flowers and greens using hydroponics and container gardens. Key Takeaways: - Grow cool-season flowers and greens in the fall. - Protect plants from frost with covers, row covers, or indoor relocation. - Adjust nutrient schedules to promote root growth and flowering. - Monitor temperature fluctuations and adjust your hydroponic system. Happy Gardening!